FABRICS 2.0 using Houdini
Introduction :
This course is an extension to FABRICS 1.0 and while relying on some mechanisms seen in Fabrics 1.0 we will introduce new approaches for the production, control and manipulation of high resolution fabrics.
The course is oriented to those who already have some knowledge on how Houdini works. (If you are a beginner it is highly recommended that you go through Fabrics 1.0 first) Those who know some Houdini but haven't been part of Fabrics 1.0 will follow fine since every technique will be explained from scratch.
Content :
1 - Block 1 Part 1 - Point clouds initial manipulation
2 - Block 1 Part 2 - Parametric point clouds
3 - Block 1 Part 3 - Further control and development using areas of influence
4 - Block 2 - Fabric creation using other geometry as influence
5 - Block 3 - Parametric distribution of elements to produce distinctive zones in volumetric fabrics
6 - Block 4 Part 1 - Scripting in VEX to create connectivity between different sets of points
7 - Block 4 Part 2 - Implementation of the script to create a "deep skin"
(time spent on each point is variable.. some points will take longer than others)
Length of the course : 11 hours
Access to videos : 1 year
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