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course details



Javier Ruiz Rodriguez

Tony Le

Kenneth Cai



6 months



Mode of Study:




Start Date:

















Digital Worlds: Architecture, Code, Environments, and Cinematics.



Javier (Design, Project lead, Modo + Houdini + Redshift) 

Tony (Design, Houdini coding + Unreal Engine)

Kenneth (Design, Houdini + Redshift + Unreal Engine + Premiere)



Softbiome is proud to announce the launch of its first range of long-format courses: Unit X6 and Unit X9. Drawing from our three years of experience with the Unit X series, it has become evident that a longer format course is necessary to cater to the demands of our most committed students, many of whom envision Softbiome as an attractive alternative to traditional university degrees. The introduction of Unit X6 and Unit X9 represents the first step in this exciting direction.


Unit X6/9 emerges as a natural evolution of what Softbiome is known for: The design of digital worlds. This is why we believe the long-format course is an opportunity to go even deeper technically and to nurture the process even more, so the end result materializes in a project portfolio that serves you to start your career in digital design or to show around in job interviews.


Structure of the course:

Building on the success and flexibility of our previous Unit X courses, the new program takes advantage of the extended duration to structure the curriculum into three main blocks: Skilling, Research-investigation, and Design development:


Block 1 (1 month) - Development of digital techniques (geometry + visualization) based on formal and intellectual interests supported by research in the project theme, brief, and/or agenda (to be discussed on Day 1 and 2).

Block 2 (1 month) - Experimentation combining all techniques - Hybridizing and maximizing geometric formal capacities and consolidating a strong visualization language.

Block 3 - Part 1 (2 months) - Project Part 1 through visual storytelling.

Block 3 - Part 2 (2 months) - Project Part 2 through visual storytelling.


Total hours: 72h (3h per week split into 3 sessions of 1h per tutor per week. (Please note that some sessions will be longer than 1 hour)



The course will be assessed using university standards, which can be summarized as follows:


The course assessment prioritizes critical thinking as well as technical development. A grading protocol similar to those employed in world-class universities will be used to ensure students perceive their performance against certain standards corresponding with higher education.


Feedback will be provided based on four criteria: observation analysis, intellectual ambition, design development, and communication. This approach will enable students to understand their strengths and weaknesses along the journey and ensure that the course delivers a meaningful learning experience and outcome.


This feedback will be provided in written format twice. Firstly after 3 months (after interim crit), and secondly, 3 weeks before the final submission. (Final feedback will be provided orally during the final crit).


Extra Access :

All Softbiome's Unit X6 students will have full access to all Softbiome's pre-recorded courses and you will continue having access to the material for 3 years from the completion of the course.


All classes will be recorded and you will be given private access to the recordings lasting 3 years from the completion of the course.


How to Apply:

Enrol directly on Softbiome's platform. Payment by instalments is available. Just send us an email to


Career opportunities:

Our design course offers practical skills and knowledge, along with critical thinking, which employers highly value in the design field. While a university degree is sometimes considered a prerequisite for many careers, practical experience and skills are often more highly regarded by employers in creative fields than a degree.


By completing our course, students gain experience in understanding and applying design principles, as well as acquiring important skills in technical concepts and elements. These skills can serve as the foundation for a solo career in digital design or can be applied to fields such as architectural design, CGI/visual effects, animation, or the video game industry. We encourage students to pursue a career in digital design, regardless of their educational background.



Q: What's the difference between Unit X6 and Unit X9:

A: Two main differences. One is the length. X6 is 6 months long while X9 is 9. The other one is its structure. In X9 you have to choose between 2 thematic paths; the cinematics or the interaction path. 


Q: What are the prerequisites to apply?

A: There are no specific prerequisites for applying for the course; however, we expect students to dedicate a certain amount of time every week.


Q: How do I apply?

A: X6 does not require an application. Just go on to the website and purchase the course.


Q: Can i pay by instalments?

Yes you can, we accept payment by instalments. Please email Javier to discuss the frequency that suits you better.


Q: What will I get at the end of the course?

A: We will provide an NFT Certificate minted in the Ethereum Blockchain.


Q: What's the difference between Full-time/Part-Time and Softbiome's "Flexible"?

A: "Flexible" is a unique blend of Full-time and Part-time options. With "Flexible," you'll have weekly tuition, while also enjoying the freedom to adjust your classes and schedules as needed on a week-to-week basis. This includes the option to temporarily postpone all weekly classes if necessary, without losing your tuition—just a postponement. All arrangements are managed online.


Q: When does the course start?

A: Anytime. 

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